postheadericon IT IS THE SEASON

It is now the Advent season leading to Christmas, the birth of our Savior.  Trying to keep the religious significance of this increasingly commercial season is hard with all thy hype going on.  I just hope that we all remember the food pantries so in need in this economy and give any donations of clothing and food we can.  I for one will not be passing up the Salvation Army Santas this year as the Salvation Army in our county served Thanksgiving dinner to many more people in need than ever this year. 

The state of Ohio is so broke that many social services that help the poor may be cut back. However, the legislation to create a Kennel Authority in HB223/SB173 is in committee. Does not make sense.  There is also a tax being proposed by our EPA in Washington that would tax every farm animal for the amount of emissions it creates.  The “fart tax” it is being labeled and I am not kidding.  More on this and other legislation next time.