postheadericon The Homeless

If one day, one does lose everything,  a dog will love one no less and will share whatever burdens one encounters.  What is so sad is that while dogs stick with us, we too many times find it inconvenient or physically impossible to stay with or keep our dog or other pets.  Natural disasters like Sandy and Katrina often force owners into abandoning their pets because they have no other choice even though many makeshift shelters do now accept pets during a national disaster as Katrina taught us all a lesson about the bond we have with our pets.  However, there are too many horror stories of people moving and leaving their animals locked in the house to starve to death or turning them loose confused and bereft with no one to care for them rather than try to contact an animal shelter to at least give their pets a chance.  As winter hits, the homeless  and their pets are in even greater jeopardy as shelters are often full and also usually do not allow pets. I would go down with the ship rather than leave my dog or dogs. Take a good look at the pictures below as they say it all:


Please pray for the homeless and homeless families as homelessness is rising among all economic levels in a country that has the resources to take care of our own. Pray also for homeless animals as winter approaches.