postheadericon OUR COUNTRY DOES NOT TAKE CARE OF ITS OWN—Two hundred and fifty million given to Egypt!!!

Two hundred and fifty million dollars to Egypt!!  Criminal!

Medicaid and social services are being cut: pre kindergarten will suffer, the elderly will suffer, the poorest of our citizens will suffer,  our educational systems will continue to fail our children and there doesn’t seem to be a damn thing we can do about it while our “beloved” government gives $250,000,000 to Egypt.  We are still giving loads of money to Iraq and every other country with its hand out.  BUT WE DO NOT TAKE CARE OF OUR OWN.  Unless we, the too silent majority, rise up and says “the line from the movie Network “I’m mad as hell and won’t take it anymore” we will continue to get the same.  The answer is to vote the corrupt, greedy, immoral, and often criminal politicians out. The answer is not to be persuaded by biased and slanted media coverage giving us skewed wrong information instead of the truth.  We should be given the facts straight without reporters editorializing while they report.  Report the news accurately and without bias, then give opinions. Republican or Democrat, our politicians are busy making the best deals for themselves with no regard to those who most stupidly hired them into office.  Let us stop making deals to give our money away to foreign dictators, countries, government and help our citizens right here at home.  Pray for our government to make moral, wise, right decisions to benefit US. Pray for our country.  Meredith

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