Catching Up 9/19/08
Finally our electric and phones are back on. Ike had his way in Ohio also. Lots of damage, but nothing like Texas had of course. We lost our electricity last Saturday and it came on again yesterday, We have Time Warner which uses the electric lines so despite us having a big generator to run the refrigerators, freezer, and microwave, no television programming and no phones. The generator came with the new house and kept the kitchen, master bedroom, and half the dog room in light. We used our old dependable oil lamps for whatever else we needed.
The legislation battle continues on. Now the state of Massachusetts, ongoing in Chicago and other hot spots. Michigan’s proposed legislation is dead in the water right now and we assume Ohio will bring up SB173 and HB223 soon. The war against purebred dogs continues with the animal rightists claiming how many health problems purebred dogs have. There has been research done on the problems of mixed breeds which are just as many or more than purebred dogs. With a purebred, one knows the looks and temperament the breed should have. I am not saying one should not desire to have mixed breeds to love. I have one, our Snoop who came for two days and stayed eight years, who is a wonderful, devoted companion; all my beloved cats have also been rescued. I am all for rescuing dogs and cats from shelters and puppy mills; I believe every dog and cat should have a forever home and I have worked in rescue to try to help. I also know that if the reputable breeders are shamed because we breed purebred dogs something is very wrong with our system. (In so many ways–just look at the state of our economy). We are doing a much better job of spaying and neutering our pets; so much so that many shelters do not have enough adoptable animals and have to import from other countries or get them from other shelters.
The tail often wags the dog in our country; we cannot let the agenda of the animal rightists win for that agenda is to end the ownership of all animals. Please check what is going on in your community, town or city, and state. If we pass restrictive dog ownership or breeding legislation, the good breeders will not be able to continue and all that will be left are shelters, puppy mills, backyard, and commercial breeders. I may have already told this story here, but feel it bears repeating. I recently bought “a breeding pair” of Cavaliers from a multiple breed breeder who felt that Cavaliers took too long to breed and she wanted “breeders” who could be bred on the first season. She had gotten the breeding pair from the Amish. Papers were not in order. I paid a thousand dollars which with two mortgages was difficult. Buying dogs from such circumstances is not a great idea as it only encourages so called breeders to breed more. However, I could not tolerate the idea of one more breeding pair producing in my county. I took them immediately to my vet for a check up and neutering; they stayed several days to ensure they were totally healthy. They had great temperaments as it is often hard to find a Cavalier with a bad temperament no matter what its background. My attorney who had just lost his Cavalier, volunteered to reimburse me and give them a home. The moral of this story is to be very careful when you buy a purebred dog. I believe in giving shelter dogs a home and have done so through the years, but with a purebred dog one can tell what that dog will be at maturity in temperament and looks. Purebred certainly can have genetic faults, but so can mixed breeds.I have just read a couple of research articles on the problems found in mixed breeds and there can be many. All animals as well as all humans can have health problems of one kind of another. As long as we are made of corporeal bodies and not steel parts, we will continue to malfunction!!! Kiss your pets no matter purebred or mixed parentage.
until next time . . .
California has defeated AB 1634 which would have changed the face of breeding dogs in the State. It was a hard battle, but the voices of sanity won. Now there are two more pending cases that must be defeated. In Chicago, there is a mandatory spay/neuter law being proposed in the city. It must be defeated; if you live in Chicago, please check out this looming legislation and let your voices be heard against it. In Michigan, newly proposed legislation would again attempt to control and curtail breeding, but as in Chicago and California would hit the reputable breeders the hardest. Ohio has such legislation also being proposed but there has been enough pressure on the State Legislature, that the two bills, HB223 and SB173, have not yet been passed.
Let’s look at the new developments in Michigan:
From the AKC:
Michigan Breeder Bill Introduced [Thursday, September 04, 2008]
Yesterday, Representative Bill Caul of Mt. Pleasant introduced Michigan House
Bill 6395, which proposes to strictly regulate virtually all responsible dog
breeders. It is imperative that all concerned responsible dog breeders in
Michigan contact the members of the House Agriculture Committee, which currently
has cognizance of the bill, and their elected Representatives and express their
vehement opposition to this bill.
The American Kennel Club opposes the concept of breeding permits, breeding bans,
or mandatory spay/neuter of purebred dogs. Instead, we support reasonable and
enforceable laws that protect the welfare and health of purebred dogs and do not
restrict the rights of breeders and owners who take their responsibilities
If adopted, HB 6395 would:
* Define anyone who sells or offers for sale more than two dogs per
year, or more than one litter of dogs per year, as a “pet seller.”
* Mandate that those who qualify as pet sellers to acquire an
annual pet seller license from their county animal control shelter at
a cost of $200/year.
* Require an applicant for a pet seller license to submit his or
her fingerprints with a license application for a criminal history
and FBI background check.
* Give discretion to county animal control shelters to deny
applications for pet seller licenses, regardless of outcome of
background investigation.
* Call for pet sellers to comply with administrative rules
regarding housing that will be financially detrimental to responsible
breeders who operate out of their homes.
Michigan residents should contact the members of the House Agriculture Committee
listed below and their elected Representatives and express their strong
opposition to this onerous legislation.
Michigan House Agriculture Committee:
Representative Jeff Mayes, Chairman
S1285 House Office Building
P.O. Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909-7514
Fax: 517-373-8881
Phone: 517-373-0158
Representative Barb Byrum, Majority Vice-Chair
S1086 House Office Building
P.O. Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909-7514
Fax: 517-373-9430
Phone: 517-373-0587
Representative Kathy Angerer
S0989 House Office Building
P.O. Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909-7514
Fax: 517-373-7757
Phone: 517-373-1792
Representative Terry L. Brown
S1188 House Office Building
P.O. Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909-7514
Fax: 517-373-9852
Phone: 517-373-0476
Representative Kathleen Law
S0787 House Office Building
P.O. Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909-7514
Fax: 517-373-5922
Phone: 517-373-0855
Representative Gabe Leland
S0689 House Office Building
P.O. Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909-7514
Fax: 517-373-5985
Phone: 517-373-6990
Representative Joel Sheltrown
S1387 House Office Building
P.O. Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909-7514
Fax: 517-373-5495
Phone: 517-373-3817
Representative Howard Walker
S1388 House Office Building
P.O. Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909-7514
Fax: 517-373-9420
Phone: 517-373-1766
Representative Neal Nitz
N1097 House Office Building
P.O. Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909-7514
Fax: 517-373-5918
Phone: 517-373-1796
Representative Richard Ball
S1189 House Office Building
P.O. Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909-7514
Fax: 517-373-7937
Phone: 517-373-0841
Representative Arlan B. Meekhof
N1193 House Office Building
P.O. Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909-7514
Fax: 517-373-9830
Phone: 517-373-0838
To find your Michigan State Representative, go to
For more information, contact AKC’s Government Relations Department
at (919) 816-3720, or e-mail