September 29, 2004
September 29, 2004 For those of you who have visited us and met Maxine Price, our kennel manager, I have very sad news. Maxine’s husband Don passed away very unexpectedly this past Monday morning of a massive heart attack leaving Maxine and two teenaged daughters, Sarah and Stacy. It is a very sad situation as Don had no insurance leaving Maxine in some financial difficulty and very unsure of future plans. Don’s labrador, Dreamer, will not leave the side of his truck, just waiting for Don to get out of it. So sad. Al and I are helping as much as possible. The kennel work, of course, falls totally on me. I would like to sell a few puppies that I was running on to see if they would be show dogs. I have decided to let them go as pets as I must cut down right now. Let me know if you are interested. Life can change in the blink of an eye!! Take care of yourselves and your precious Cavaliers!! Meredith
September 25, 2004
September 25, 2004 Thank you to all who sent get well cards and messages after my recent knee surgery. Am on the mend. The new health section on our website is complete and up. We have addressed health concerns in the Cavalier in more depth than previously. Please tell us what you think of the new section. There are a few new websites addressing Cavalier health and not all of them are helpful. Do not believe everything you read. A good site for correct information (besides ours of course!) is: Remember to stay in touch and keep us posted on your Rattlebridge Cavalier! Meredith
September 21, 2004
My knee surgery went well although I am still hobbling around. Between bad knees and a bad lower back, not to mention the bad shoulder courtesy of a diagreement with one of our horses, I am truly feeling elderly. However, good news always perks me up. German Ch. Rattlebridge Roses are Red just went Best in Show at the German Toy Dog Show! Rosie is on her way to being a European International Champion which will make two for us, the other being Am., Dutch, and International Ch. Rattlebridge Jacob. Not to be undone, Rattlebridge Harle-Quinn just completed his CD! His owner Lu Ann Rogers writes: “Quinn finished his CD yesterday at the Mahoning County trial! Do now it’s Rattlebridge Harle-Quinn Man NA NAJ CD. He spent 4-1/2 hours with me at the hospital today, starring in a program that we hold to introduce first year medical students to pet therapy. On Saturday we marched along with our (Love on a Leash) float in the Ravenna Balloon A-Fair parade. You would be very proud of him.” We am very proud of Quinn and of Lu Ann who is a marvelous trainer! LuAnn now has a black and tan puppy Rattlebridge Request the Best who hopefully will be shown in conformation. We are proud of all our dogs!