Happy Thanksgiving
When we think of all the horror in the world and the troubles in our own country, especially now those affected by the devastating Sandy, we still have much for which to be grateful in our still wonderful country.
We are all in God’s hands.
Let us count our blessings and be grateful.
This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
There is a wonderful book that has helped me count my blessing called A Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp
What an eye opener to realize the many gifts small and large we receive daily. Written by a woman who as a young girl watched a delivery truck run over and kill her baby sister, the book chronicles an extended family’s wrenching heartbreak and decline into what appears to be never ending depression and loss of hope. However, hope is always there if one trusts in God. We all experience loss and profound grief in our journey through this life which is only a preamble to our eternal life to come.