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postheadericon Winter Is Here!


We have lots of snow in Galena, Ohio, but nothing like my friend Roxy Hayes has in Michigan! 


Monitor your pet’s outside activities in this weather. Several of the pet catalog’s offer snow booties if you have never seen them, they can be quite useful.  I have used them with my Bandi as he was losing control of his rear legs; they allowed him to grip the floor ever so much better and kept him mobile for quite awhile.

If your Cavalier is not a show dog or is not being shown anymore, you can certainly scissor the long feathering on the front of the foot to keep the hair from being loaded down with ice or snow.  I always trim the hair between the toes on the bottom of the foot so that ice balls do not form and irritate the foot.  Make sure you dry your dog’s feet well when they come in if it is snowy or icy, so that the feet do not stay wet between the toes.


Al and I have a history of rescuing horses, cats. chickens, Emus who did not share one single brain cell among them, and, of course, dogs usually just to find wonderful homes for them.  However, when this year old black supposed Labrador Retriever needed a home, we agreed to take him for a couple of days until we could place him.  That was over eight years ago and Snoop is my constant and protective companion.  I have his heart and he has mine.  I always say that rescued dogs are grateful; I think that Snoop is grateful.  He never seems to take me for granted like my totally spoiled and often demanding Cavaliers do. He only has two bad habits:  he cleans off counter tops no matter how often he is scolded; in fact, if he isn’t caught, he still slinks away from the kitchen trying hard to avoid me seeing him.  Then there is his habit of seeking and destroying napkins and Kleenex.  I am so sick of finding the chewed remnant bits of tissue around the waste baskets; it is so annoying because he knows better and cannot break his addiction to paper chewing!  He is a grand dog!

snoop head in snowsnoop in snow 2








As you can see, Snoop is no Labrador, but of mixed parentage!  We usually keep him clipped down because his coat is long and very dense.  We always leave this lovely little brush at the end of his tail so he can dust the coffee tables without any harm to his tail.


The new Rattlebridge our second winter here:












Remember, once again, to make sure your pets are fine in this weather. If you see any dogs out in the weather or cold without shelter, food, or water, please call the powers that be in your county.  Do not attempt to reach the Humane Society of the United States as this organization is not really a Humane Society and not affiliated with your local Humane Society.  The HSUS does no rescue and has no shelters; in fact it is only a political machine using its donated funds to push its own agenda.  This organization now feels that it will have real power in Washington with the new administration;  however, with its huge budget, it does really nothing to improve the welfare of animals as it pushes its animal rights agenda.  Animal rights and animal welfare are not synonymous. Until next time . . .

postheadericon January 5, 2005

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I cannot believe that it has been almost two months since I have posted any news. Thank you to all who have sent Christmas greetings and pictures of our Cavaliers. We will soon update our family gallery section. OHIO STATE RECEIVES SYRINGOMYELIA GRANT! The Ohio State Universtiy Veterinary College has received a grant of over $50,000 for a study of Syringomyelia centering around our extended family of dogs. SM is a problem in our breed and is very widespread genetically. We are very grateful to the American Kennel Club Health Foundation and the American Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club Charitable Trust for giving matching funds for this grant. Dr. Carley Abramson and Dr. Phil March, neurologists at Ohio State, Clare Rusbridge in England, and I will be working to find ways to eradicate or stop progression of this disease. Thank you to my friends who gave so generously (over $20,000) to begin the study before we received the grant: Mr. Gilbert Kahn, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tschetter, Mrs Tami Byroads, Mrs. Betsy Skae, and Mrs. Jeanie Geiger We have had a good Christmas. My husband is recovering from surgery on both of his knees, but we are grateful he did not need total knee replacement at this point. Because of my own back problems, I have taken time off from traveling and judging to seek treatment for my back, but will begin judging again in April and look forward to judging the American Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club National in May. I have been very involved with the local Humane Society which with a skeletal crew trys to meet the needs of the animals of our county. If you can do anything to support your local humane society, please do. The need is great. We have not shown much these past few months. Our little girl, Rattlebridge Hit the Spot “Pepsi” has done very well for herself in the puppy classes and is just a couple of points away from finishing her championship. Her picture will soon be featured on our website. Rattlebridge Rock ‘n’ Roll and Rattlebridge Saranade are just a few points from finishing their championship. We wil soon be introducing our new show puppies: Rattlebridge Sienna Shimmer, a lovely ruby girl; Rattlebridge Nite ‘n’ Gale, a black and tan called Florence, and our older girl, Rattlebridge Jeannette. We will also be introducing our wonderful imports from the famous Harana kennel in England: Harana Spencer Tracy, black and tan, and Harana Star Appeal, a lovely ruby girl. Despite the fact that it looks like we are becoming a wholecolor kennel, we do have blenheim and tricolor breedings planned!!!!!! Once agin–Happy New Year!!!!

postheadericon September 25, 2004

September 25, 2004 Thank you to all who sent get well cards and messages after my recent knee surgery. Am on the mend. The new health section on our website is complete and up. We have addressed health concerns in the Cavalier in more depth than previously. Please tell us what you think of the new section. There are a few new websites addressing Cavalier health and not all of them are helpful. Do not believe everything you read. A good site for correct information (besides ours of course!) is: Remember to stay in touch and keep us posted on your Rattlebridge Cavalier! Meredith