postheadericon September 21, 2004

My knee surgery went well although I am still hobbling around. Between bad knees and a bad lower back, not to mention the bad shoulder courtesy of a diagreement with one of our horses, I am truly feeling elderly. However, good news always perks me up. German Ch. Rattlebridge Roses are Red just went Best in Show at the German Toy Dog Show! Rosie is on her way to being a European International Champion which will make two for us, the other being Am., Dutch, and International Ch. Rattlebridge Jacob. Not to be undone, Rattlebridge Harle-Quinn just completed his CD! His owner Lu Ann Rogers writes: “Quinn finished his CD yesterday at the Mahoning County trial! Do now it’s Rattlebridge Harle-Quinn Man NA NAJ CD. He spent 4-1/2 hours with me at the hospital today, starring in a program that we hold to introduce first year medical students to pet therapy. On Saturday we marched along with our (Love on a Leash) float in the Ravenna Balloon A-Fair parade. You would be very proud of him.” We am very proud of Quinn and of Lu Ann who is a marvelous trainer! LuAnn now has a black and tan puppy Rattlebridge Request the Best who hopefully will be shown in conformation. We are proud of all our dogs!