postheadericon MY BABIES STAY IN TOUCH!

Fourteen years ago, I let a dog named Walk the Walk, Dash, go home with Jim Mineo who has loved him and has cared for him so well over the years.  I just got an email from Dash that I would like to share:

Greetings from one of your pups….”Dash”….Walk the Walk.  I am getting
on in years, 14, but what a good life I have had.  I moved to Canfield Ohio
from Rattlebridge and have always had a companion cocker spaniel to play
with. on occasion even a springer.  I had to show them the ropes and what
was expected of them.  The highlight of my year was always the summer when
my family spent time at their lake house, and the arrival of three
grandsons, oh how they love me!!!! Unfortunately time marches on and I have
lost all my canine companions and am now alone.  I would miss them except
age has taken its toll on me as well and am not as playful as I was in the
early years.  I ma blind, deaf, lost most of my teeth and have seizures, but
I still manage to find my way to the dinner bowl, my bed on a couch in a
bright and warm sun porch, and of course to any friendly hands willing to
give me attention. I just had a haircut last week and look like the puppy
that left Rattlebridge many moons ago. Keep up the good work and breed many
more puppies just like me………Love Dash

I am so touched by Dash’s note and know that I will see him again at the Rainbow Bridge someday.  Stay happy and healthy, Dash.  Thank you, Jim, for loving him so much. 

Also, from Marilee Snyder, a wonderful picture of “Harley” (who really needs to drop a bit of weight!!! as Marilee knows. LOL) waiting patiently to be asked to play in the snow:
