postheadericon Texas IS Next

All of you in Texas had best get busy…
you are facing Mandatory Spay Neuter of ALL dogs as of September 1, 2009.

It is strongly urged that everyone dog lover, whether breeder or not, in Texas to pay attention to this, and to contact your state representatives and senators.   It’s finally come to you. How independent Texas has allowed itself to be infiltrated by the animal rightists is unbelievable.  Look no further than the dog warden of Dallas who has been profiled on national TV because of his methods of seizing and then selling dogs  from breeders usually with little or no real proof of abuse or neglect.  His eighty thousand dollar salary has to come from somewhere.  If he seizes dogs, there is seemingly no way for their owners to ever get them back.

Those of you who call Texas home can’t avoid it or live in denial that such things would never happen in Texas.  The animal rights people have wormed their way into your government, in order to further their agenda, and they don’t care whose constitutional
rights are trampled on.  It is imperative that you support the organizations
who are fighting for us, and in Texas, that’s the RPOA– Responsible Pet
Owners Association– at   Their website is under
construction, but there is a PayPal link there for donations.

The time is NOW, to let your government officials know just how you feel
about this kind of legislation!

Texas SB 1845 has been filed and will be heard in the Senate before the end
of next week…

There is ONE very narrow exemption for show dogs…and only then with a
permit………the proposed price for a permit to keep an intact animal is
$300 (each)…….

This bill has subsections with completely NEW language (Section
828)………and if this passes, Texas can probably wave goodbye to most of the purebred dog population.

Yes, it seems impossible………..but if y’all don’t raise the devil with your elected State officials………after September 1, prepare to spay and neuter EVERYTHING…………

If you’re so inclined, you can read the proposed Bill here…….

Help Texas out and give the the animal rights groups a message that we will not cave in to their strategies to end dog breeding or ownership.  Write the Texas legislators whether from the Lone Star State or not or Texas will become the Lone Dog State if we do not fight!!!